When I met Leon Glatzer in 2018 I was going through one of the worst chapters of my life getting divorced. I was using journaling to help me through this tough stage and by physically writing things down I found was growing and healing.


I used this method to plan a career, create a vision, set goals and give direction to Leon to become an Olympian.


With this success, I have become passionate about using the methods of journaling and writing your goals down to manifest your goals.

  • Career Planning & Goal settingLlewellyn Whittaker
  • Career Planning & Goal settingLlewellyn Whittaker
  • Career Planning & Goal settingLlewellyn Whittaker
20210718_221811_067196601aa870b88d8fa442c72f8b93 Leon GLATZER (GER, l.) gut gelaunt mit seinem Trainer, Coach, Llewellyn WHITTAKER nach dem Training; halbe Figur, Halbf